Thursday 26 April 2012

Sportsmanship: Is It Officially Dead??

Let’s be clear: Alex Rodriguez knew exactly what he was doing when he crossed Dallas Braden’s pitching mound during a Yankees/A’s game last week. Anyone who has played organized baseball at an eighth-grade level or beyond knows there are certain unwritten rules you don’t break without repercussion, and walking across the pitcher's mound when trotting back to first base after a foul ball is one of them.

And A-Rod’s repercussion is coming -- count on it.

But the Yankee slugger’s latest ego-trip outside the rules for mere mortals raises more important questions than just how arrogant one of MLB’s top stars really is. Sportsmanship: Is it dead? What is the point of these so-called unwritten rules? They exist in every sport, but why?

Sportsmanship: What happened to it?

Like it or not, the traditional notions of respect for the game (including the opponent) are dying. Perhaps they’re being replaced by subtler versions of equal value, but we’d say every absurd arrest, ostentatious celebration and NBA superstar barking on all fours argues otherwise.

Ever since big money started creating bigger reservoirs of self-regard, “me” has become the focus for a growing number of athletes. Less energy can be spared worrying about the team and even less for any concern requiring greater depth of thought.

The fall of sportsmanship: NFL and NBA already casualties

Both the NFL and NBA are faster paced, more emotionally charged leagues than MLB. It drives their popularity, but the visceral nature is a double-edged sword. The competitive juices sometimes get too hot and in their wake are some of our most egregious examples of sportsmanship’s demise. Combined, these leagues have given us the Ron Artest melee, Terrell Owens, Chad Ochocinco, Stephon Marbury, Vince Carter, and the list goes on.

Off the field, the story is even more gruesome yet -- for all his Draconian countermeasures, even Roger Goodell has been powerless to stop the decay. But what about the unwritten enforcers?

Their unwritten rules are different

These two more violent bedfellows do have some unwritten rules. The NBA’s unwritten rules say never pad your stats, don’t use full-court presses in blowouts, no threes once the margin gets too big, and others. Nevertheless, these are more like unwritten encouragements (i.e. the worst you’d get for breaking one is a little trash-talk), so who really cares?

The NFL’s oral agreements are more numerous, but they’re aimed at keeping players physically safe rather than the more trivial interests of congeniality and mutual respect. The one standard seems to be don’t run up the score, which encompasses stuff like don’t pass in a blowout, don’t go for two when the game is in hand, etc. Here again, however, we find an enforcement mechanism that lacks any serious teeth.

Baseball’s unwritten rules

For all its steroid warts and complaints about tepid action, professional baseball has an obvious and massive edge on its two most powerful competitors with regards to pastoral splendor. Much of the advantage can be attributed to the paramount importance its athletes place on sportsmanship and respect for the game.

The reverence isn’t innate; ballplayers don’t simply arrive in the Big Leagues with it intact.

That’s where its litany of traditional no-nos comes in to play and there are tons. A sample includes no sign-stealing; no excessive celebrating unless you’ve earned it (even then, it better be limited); no breaking up a no-hitter with a bunt unless situationally appropriate; no talking about a no-hitter after the fifth inning; no calling time-out in the middle of a pitcher’s windup; and no yelling at infielders trying to catch a pop-up.

Of course, the glue that holds it all together is the beanball, which is an acceptable form of retribution so long as it isn't at the head (which is never OK unless it’s return fire for the same offense).

Sportsmanship is about respect

Former player, manager and current broadcaster Bob Brenly once described baseball’s unwritten code as being about three things: “respect your teammates, respect your opponents and respect the game.”

You can see those strains running through almost every one of its unwritten rules.

And if you don’t agree, you’ll see 108 stitches coming at you.

Apparently, that’s more persuasive than a fine.

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